Following a meeting of the Flood Forum which was attended by Cllr Chris Harris and independent representatives for Lambourn and Upper Lambourn.   Updates were provided by Thames Water for the Lambourn and Upper Lambourn area:

  • The lining operations have reduced the volume of groundwater getting into the network. (Please click here to see the Lambourn Valley Dashboard for current flood warnings and groundwater levels)
  • The lining recently undertaken in Upper Lambourn appears to be working, to follow this up a further visit to inspect and investigate laterals was undertaken last week. (Please click here to read more about the work undertaken)
  • There has been some infiltration identified at one of the Upper Lambourn pump stations which is being investigated.
  • Manhole cover outside the Fire Station – there were two incidents of water coming out of the manhole cover.  One was due to excessive surface water and the other was due to “cake” (a thick sludge at the top of the chamber) that needed removing.  These were isolated incidents and were dealt with quickly.
  • The ATAC unit has not been switched on this winter, it will only be turned on in the case of persistent rain.
  • Infiltration has been identified at Tubbs Farm close and Goose Green where there have been some failures due to water traveling between the drain and the liner. New technology end caps will be fitted to these linings during the summer with the previous lining work.  This is scheduled to be relined during the summer.

Lambourn Parish Council and West Berkshire Council gave an update on the clearing of ditches in the Lambourn and Upper Lambourn area:

  • Lambourn Parish Council has contacted all local landowners of roadside ditches in Lambourn and Upper Lambourn to politely request they are cleared.  A number of ditches have been cleared but many are still outstanding.  It was confirmed that the next step is to liaise with West Berkshire Council to discuss the issuing of enforcement notices.
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