Lambourn Parish Council has developed policies and procedures for its work. These have been created in accordance with local government good practice to ensure that our responsibilities are exercised through good governance, with sound risk management, equality of opportunities and inclusive processes.  We regularly review policy to ensure that it is current and relevant.

There are the three “core” documents that govern how the Parish Council, Parish Councillors and employees of the Parish Council (including the Clerk) must act, these are:

Our Code of Conduct

Our Financial Regulations

Our Standing Orders

Policies are statements of how we will act in specific areas:

Our Policies:

Our CCTV Policy

Our Committees Terms of Reference

Our Communication Policy

Our Data Access Statement

Our Data Protection and Information Security Policy

Our Data Retention and Disposal Policy

Our Delegation Scheme

Our Dignity at Work Policy

Our Donations and Grants Policy

Our Equal Opportunities Policy

Our GDPR Privacy Statement

Our Grants Policy

Our Granting of the Honorary Freedom of the Parish Policy

Our Health and Safety Policy

Our Investment Strategy

Our Playground Management Policy

Our Procurement Policy

Our Publication Scheme

Our Recruitment Policy

Our Risk Management Policy

Our Safeguarding Policy

Our Salt Bin Policy (Grit Bin Policy)

Our Sandbag Policy

Our Sustainability Policy

Our Training Policy

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