Eastbury and Lambourn are signing up for individual membership of the Thames Valley Community Speedwatch scheme, we will then work together to try to tackle speeding in the area.
This is a national initiative where proactive members of the local community can join with the support and supervision of Thames Valley Police to record details of speeding vehicles using approved detection devices.
Registered keepers of vehicles exceeding the speed limit are contacted – initially with a letter explaining the potential risks and consequences of their dangerous behaviour. Repeat offenders will receive a visit from the local police, irrespective of where they live. Beyond these friendly gestures, focused enforcement and criminal prosecution follow based on the collated evidence.
TVP Community Speedwatch has an online platform that allows group-related activities to be self-regulated via an online calendar. Volunteers will receive online training, including vehicle make recognition training. Risk assessments are also completed by police to ensure safety at the roadside.
If you are interested in joining please email:
Eastbury Community Speedwatch Group contact: villagewardens@eastbury.org
Lambourn Community Speedwatch Group contact: info@lambourn-pc.gov.uk
Click here to find out more information about Community Speedwatch