Minutes of the Staffing Committee meetings are available HERE
Purpose of the Staffing Committee – The Committee will act on behalf of the Parish Council in respect of all aspects of staffing and ensure adherence by the Parish Council to all employee legislation and guidance.
Press and Public – May not be admitted to these meetings as “In accordance with s1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of these items due to their confidential nature”.
Key Responsibilities of the Committee – The Committee is formed to ensure the Council complies with the requirements of employment law and follows best practice in providing good working conditions for staff, including health and safety.
Operational Responsibilities – The Staffing Committee will have the following duties and shall be empowered, within the current structure, to:
a) Recruit and select replacement staff, with the exception of the post of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer (‘RFO);
b) Recruit and short-list applicants for the post of Parish Clerk/RFO. The successful short-listed applicants to be interviewed by an Interview Panel appointed by the Council. A recommendation from the Interview Panel will be submitted to the Council to ratify the appointment of Parish Clerk/RFO;
c) Make a recommendation to Council for the procedure for assessment after the completion of the probationary period for new employees;
d) Conduct an assessment of the employee’s performance and suitability for the role after completion of the probationary period of a new Parish Clerk/RFO;
e) Deal with any staff disciplinary matter in accordance with the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure. The Staffing Committee to elect a Staffing Appeal Committee (who are not members of the Staffing Committee). The Staffing Appeal Committee to report its final decision to the Staffing Committee;
f) Deal with any staff grievance in accordance with the Council’s Grievance Procedure;
g) Review contracts, staffing policies and procedures;
h) Consider and implement any changes which are required to comply with employment law, health and safety law and terms and conditions of service;
i) Approve requests within the training budget for skills, personal development and health and safety training requirements;
j) Review job descriptions, person specifications, staff establishment (including promotion or re-grading, redundancies and fixed term contracts) and to approve all contracts of employment for existing posts;
k) Consider and recommend pay awards and payroll management to Council;
l) Review staff pension arrangements and make recommendation to Council where appropriate;
m) Manage long-term sickness and incidents at work in line with the Council’s Absence Management Policy;
n) Work to determine the staffing levels necessary to efficiently discharge the work required by the Council and to review the workloads periodically and to make any necessary recommendations in respect thereof to Council;
o) Ensure that all staff have an annual appraisal;
p) Ensure that the Parish Clerk has everything required for managing other employees;
q) Ensure that the Council is kept up to date with developments in employment law via specialist HR support;
r) Be aware of sources of expert advice on employment matters and to ensure that the Council uses such sources when there is any doubt about good employment practice;
s) Undertake training identified from time to time to support their role as the Council’s Staffing Committee; and
t) Manage any issues referred to the Committee by the Parish Council.
U) Manage any issues referred to the Committee by the Clerk.