Here we have answered some of the most frequent questions asked by residents. If you do not find the answer to your question please contact us
Streets, pavements, green spaces
Where do I report a full dog waste bin?
Please click here to see a location map of the dog waste bins, if you click on the bin icon you will see a description of its location and a reference number. Using this information to report an issue will help us quickly locate the bin to investigate further.
The bins we are responsible for are follows:
Bin Ref | Location |
733A | Blind Lane |
733B | Bockhampton Road Sub Station |
733C | Lambourn Centre/Close End |
733E | Crowle Road |
733F | Baydon Road opposite Derby Close |
733G | Beginning of Allotment footpath |
733H | End of Allotment Footpath |
733I | Car Park at the Old Cricket Field |
733J | Rear of the Old Cricket Field |
733K | Entrance to Three Post Lane |
733L | Lynch Lane |
733M | Goose Green/Honey Hill |
733N | Oxford Street by Northfields |
733O | Mill Lane Bus stop |
733P | Eastbury Furze play area |
733Q | Francomes Field |
733R | Edwards Hill/Sheep Fair Way |
733S | Junction of Maddle Road and Upper Lambourn High Street |
734A | Eastbury Furze play area waste bin |
If the bin is not emptied on a weekly cycle, please let us know by contacting or use the CONTACT FORM
Who fixes potholes in pavements and roads?
The maintenance of pavements and roads is the responsibility of West Berkshire Council. To report a pothole please either make a report via Fix My Street click here or contact West Berkshire Council click here
Who empties the litter bins?
Lambourn Parish Council pay West Berkshire Council for their contractors to empty the bins in the open spaces, the remainder are the responsibility of West Berkshire Council and should be reported to them if they need emptying.
Click here to report a bin
How do I book the Memorial Hall?
The Memorial hall is available to hire for social clubs, family functions or meetings. It is at the heart of the village with easy access by foot. Click here for further details.
Where do I report broken/damaged equipment on an LPC open space?
Please either call 01488 72400, email or use the CONTACT FORM
Who do I contact if a streetlight is broken?
Most of the street lights in Lambourn are the responsibility of Lambourn Parish Council. Street lights in other parts of the parish are the responsibility of West Berkshire Council. The best way to report a broken streetlight is to contact us by calling 01488 72400 or email or use the CONTACT FORM
Where do I report persistent dog barking?
If you need to report a persistent barking dog, please contact the West Berkshire Dog Warden on: 01635 503671
For further information, click here to download a leaflet in PDF format
How do I request CCTV footage?
If you need to request CCTV footage please complete the CCTV information request form click here
Where do I report an empty grit bin?
We do our best to keep them topped up, to make the best use of our funds we will request a refill when 3 or more have been reported. Please either call 01488 72400, email or use the CONTACT FORM
How do I get an update on the Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan (LNDP)?
To get an update on the LNDP please click here
If you would like to contact the LNDP working group, please send an email to:
Where do I report a dangerous, fallen or overhanging tree?
- If the tree is overhanging a surfaced road, road verge or pavement - Contact West Berkshire Streetcare Team on 01635 519080
- Trees affecting footpaths and other un-surfaced rights of way - Contact the West Berkshire Streetcare Team on 01635 519080
- Problems with trees on public open spaces we are responsible for, such as Mill Lane recreation ground, Eastbury Furze playground, the Old Cricket Field skate park and open space - contact us by calling 01488 72400 or email or use the CONTACT FORM
Where is the nearest defibrillator?
Outside the library at 11 High Street, Lambourn, RG17 8XL, or
Outside the Fire Station at Newbury Street, Lambourn, RG17 8YT
If someone has a cardiac arrest, every second counts - always dial 999 click here for a link to the National Defibrillator Database
Where do I report grafitti?
West Berkshire Council remove graffiti from public areas, including:
- publicly-owned fencing
- public toilets
- benches
- litter bins
- bridges
- signs
- play equipment (in council-owned parks)
- underpasses
Please let them know about problems with graffiti in these areas by contacting Customer Services. WBC aim to remove incidents of graffiti as soon as they can.
If you have graffiti on your property, they may be able to clear it for you. Charges may apply, and they will need a completed Indemnity Form [53.5KB] before they can arrange for removal.
Burials and Cemeteries
Who do I contact with a question about a burial plot or cremated remains plot for Upper Lambourn Cemetery?
We manage the reservation of plots and internments. Please click here for further information and contact details.
Who do I contact about an internment of cremated remains in a closed churchyard (St James, St Luke's or St Michael and All Angels)?
Please contact the Vicar or Church Warden of the relevant Church.
Local Transport
How do I claim/renew a bus pass?
West Berkshire Council is responsible for bus passes and cards, click here for more information.
Where can I find the bus timetable?
Please click here to see West Berkshire Council's advice on journey planning and timetables.
Parish Council
Who do I contact to attend a Full Council Meeting?
We have a main committee, called Full Council, this meets on the first Wednesday of every month. All Councillors are called to participate at this meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend council meetings.
To attend a meeting please contact us by calling 01488 72400 or email or use the CONTACT FORM
How do I raise a concern with a Parish Councillor?
The role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the interests of the whole community.
If you have a concern that affects you and you would like to speak to your local Parish Councillor click here for contact details.
How do I become a Parish Councillor?
Fifteen parish councillors represent the residents of our parish which is split into four wards. At any one time there may be a vacancy for a parish councillor.
If you are interested in representing your community as a parish councillor please click here for more information on how you can help make a difference to our parish.