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Training & Development Policy
Lambourn Parish Council is committed to ensure that its Clerks and councillors are provided with the training they require to ensure they can carry out their duties to the best of their abilities, and are up to date with all current legislations. To ensure this is possible, a training budget is allocated to enable them to attend any relevant training and conferences throughout the year.
Policy Statement
The Clerks are responsible for identifying training needs of both the councillors and themselves and either procuring or providing the necessary training to ensure that everybody is suitably equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their duties to the parish and residents.
Training and Development Activity
All Councillors are issued with an information folder upon their acceptance of office, which includes copies of the Standing orders, Financial Regulations, Code of conduct, policies of the council and any other information which is deemed relevant. They are given a copy of the Good Councillor guide and Being a Good Employer.
The Chair and Vice Chair are also encouraged to attend the NALC new Chair course.
The Clerk & RFO is encouraged to attend all relevant NALC clerks training courses including New Clerks course. They are provided with a contract of employment setting out clear objectives and expectations The Clerks receive an employment and salary review annually from the council.
They are encouraged to gain the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) and any other training relevant to the proficient discharge of their duties such as IT, legal powers, finance and planning which is identified through regular training needs assessments.
They are encouraged to attend local meetings such as Clerks forums and briefings
Lambourn Parish Council subscribes to relevant publications and advice services and provide all relevant publications such as the Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker for reference and use by the whole Parish Council.
Document Control
Document owner: Lambourn Parish Council
Version number: V1.0
Approval Date: 08 May 2024
Approved By: Full Council
Review cycle: Annual
Date of next review: 2025