This version of the policy is published as a webpage in order to make it easily accessible to all including web visitors with visual impairments. The original version is held by the parish clerk at the Lambourn Parish Council Offices.

The purpose of this policy is to provide criteria against which applications for the placement of grit bins can be assessed.

Lambourn Parish Council provides grit bins for self-help by members of the public.

What is Grit? Grit is another name for ‘rock salt’ and it helps keep roads safe by preventing them becoming icy; it works by lowering the temperature at which water freezes. It relies on pedestrian movement on pavements or the action of vehicle tyres to spread it over the road but it can get too cold for the salt to work. Below -5 degrees centigrade the effectiveness of grit is reduced and pavements/roads may still freeze. Rain or snow can wash the grit away leaving the area prone to re-icing, so gritting ideally needs to take place after rain but before the water freezes.

Grit Bin Provision

Lambourn Parish Council will consider provision of a new grit bin when a number of criteria are met. Key factors that are considered include:

• Highway gradient

• Highway safety

• Number of residents to benefit

• Distance to next grit bin

• Other factors; e.g. vulnerable residents; known water problems; junction problems

Grit bins shall only be considered where at least one of the criteria in List A and all the criteria in List B are met:

List A (application must meet 1 or more of these criteria)

▪ The gradient is greater than 1 in 10;

▪ A junction with a known history of accidents;

▪ Acceptable number of vulnerable residents.

List B (application must meet all criteria)

✓ Not on a West Berkshire Council primary gritting route;

✓ Must be for use on the public highway (road and/or footpath);

✓ The location shall not obstruct the passage of pedestrians: a minimum of 1.5m clearance on the footway is required;

✓ The location shall not obstruct sight lines;

✓ The location is not, normally, within 200m of another grit bin location;

✓ The location is within the boundary of the public highway.

Where grit bins will not be provided

Lambourn Parish Council will not provide grit bins in   private areas or car parks or any other public or private property; such as schools, parks, hospitals, sheltered accommodation, or similar.

Location of grit bins

Grit bins will only be located where they can be easily accessed. Grit bins will be left in situ throughout the year.

The location of grit bins will be recorded and made available on the Lambourn Parish Council website.

Grit bins shall be replenished at the start of each winter period and periodically throughout winter, as resources permit, and on ad-hoc occasions at residents’ request (a minimum of 3 bin to be filled before contractor is called out).  Each bin has contact details for the office in order to report it when empty.

The grit in the bin is purely for use on the public highway and footpaths. If the grit is used on private land, consideration will be given to removal of the bin.

Application for a grit bin must be in writing with the signature of at least 5 residents.

This could be in writing or via email. Applications will be considered at the Hall & Street meetings and the applicant will be notified in writing.

Document Control
Document owner: Lambourn Parish Council
Version number: V1.0
Approval Date: 08 May 2024
Approved By: Full Council
Review cycle: Annual
Date of next review: 2025

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