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Lambourn Parish Council Grants Policy
The Parish Council under the Local Government Act 1972 S11 can lawfully issue grants pertaining to its statutory powers to facilitate the discharge of its functions. It will generally budget for these when setting the precept In addition under the Local Government Act 1972, S137 the Parish Council may make grants up to a prescribed amount in any one year per head of the elective population. This limit is set annually by the government.
Objective of Parish Grants:
- ensure that tax payers get value for money from the Parish Council
- to assist, develop and promote local voluntary and charitable organisations, schools, churches and other organisations providing services or benefits to parishioners
- to strengthen and enrich the local community
- to provide opportunities for parishioners to benefit from education, sports, recreation, culture, art, history and the local environment
- to benefit all sections of the community.
- the clerk will keep a record of all grant expenditure and report to the council annually on the grant expenditure limit
- grants will only be awarded to organisations who will also be expected to contribute to the project being financed, in most cases match funding would be expected
- all grants will be made payable to the requesting organisation and not to individuals
- all grants must fall within the objectives of Parish Grants
- grant applications must be in writing and can be made at any time and will be discussed at the next Finance committee meeting, and if approved will be put on the agenda for the following full council meeting
- organisations will be required to provide evidence on how the grant was spent and show it was spent within twelve months of being granted
- grants will not be considered for projects already completed
- only one grant per organisation will be considered per year
- organisations will be required to provide a set of accounts or a financial statement with their application
- applications from parish churches need not be accompanied by financial statements
If you are interested in applying for a grant and need advice please contact our Clerk. The application form is available to download below:
Document Control
Document owner: Lambourn Parish Council
Version number: V1.1
Approval Date: 08 May 2024
Approved By: Full Council
Review cycle: Annual
Date of next review: 2025