Lambourn Parish Council continues to seek accredited information about Nutrient
Neutrality and the impact it is having on planning in the Parish. However, this is
proving challenging and we have therefore delayed holding a public meeting. We are
able to give Parishioners this update:
Government amendment to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill: Following
the announcement in July*, that a new legal duty on water and sewerage companies
in England to upgrade certain wastewater plants was to be introduced as an
amendment to the LURB, we have monitored the progress of the Bill. It is now in the
Committee stage, but the latest list of Amendments (23 Sept.) does not mention
Nutrient Neutrality. Without details of the legislation, it is difficult to gain answers
from Thames Water about their plans
Nutrient Neutrality Ecologist: WBC has now appointed a NN Ecologist, who is
working two days a week.
Consultants have been appointed by WBC to investigate mitigation measures, but
this may take some time.
Phosphate Calculator: The WBC website now has a page on Nutrient Neutrality:, which includes a
Phosphate Calculator. This has been produced by Natural England so that people
can work out if their development proposal will increase the level of pollution in the
River Lambourn.
Equine waste: At the urging of the local racehorse training industry, Natural England
is now looking at the issue of equine waste, with a view to refining the Phosphate
The Parish Council will arrange a public meeting as soon as possible, and in the
meantime will continue to provide what information it can. If any parishioners have
contributions to make on this issue, please get in touch via