NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that:

Mike Billinge-Jones   

Formerly a Member of the Lambourn Parish Council has ceased to be a Member and that a casual vacancy exists in the office of Councillor of the Lambourn Parish for the Lambourn Ward.

On receipt of a request in writing from any ten local government electors for the Lambourn Ward (Lambourn), an election to fill the vacancy will be held on a date determined by the Returning Officer. If no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by co-option by the Parish Council.

Requests for such an election should be addressed to:

The Returning Officer, (at West Berkshire Council Office, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD).

DATE:  29 April 2022

DESIGNATION: Mrs K Wilson (Clerk to the Council)

Categories: News

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