Lepus Consulting has been commissioned by Lambourn Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) Steering Group to undertake a Landscape Character Appraisal of Lambourn Parish to help inform the Lambourn Neighbourhood Plan.

The Landscape Character Appraisal includes a Landscape Character Assessment of the entire parish. Landscape Character Assessment documents identify and explain the unique combination of elements and features that make landscapes distinctive by mapping and describing character types and areas. They also show how the landscape is perceived, experienced and valued by people.

The approach to landscape characterisation has followed established guidance such as Natural England’s ‘Approach to Landscape Characterisation’. Besides the various baseline information relation to natural, cultural and social matters, the Landscape Character Assessment has drawn on the recent West Berkshire Landscape Character Assessment (2019).

Seven local landscape character areas have been identified. Each has a description of natural, cultural, social, perceptual and aesthetic qualities. The report also includes recommendations to plan, manage and protect distinctiveness.

The report also includes an evaluation of long distance views to inform Landscape Character Appraisal at a number of locations from the north west, north east, south west and north east perspectives of the town. These include a strategic evaluation of landscape and visual sensitivity, landscape qualities and also include recommendations to plan, manage and protect distinctiveness.

You can download the report in PDF format below:

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