Lambourn Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Parish. As part of this process, following feedback from public consultations, the Parish Council is undertaking a “Call for Sites”.

We wish to identify land which has potential for new housing up to 2036. The NDP is seeking appropriate sites for 25 new dwellings over the plan period. Sites for up to 65 houses have previously been allocated by West Berkshire Council.

We would like to invite local landowners, developers and their agents to submit potential housing sites in the Parish of Lambourn.

If your proposed site has been considered by West Berkshire Council under their HEELA process, please confirm that the information provided to that process is still valid and include any proposed changes or modifications

All submitted sites will be subjected to an independent technical site assessment process. Sites considered suitable following the technical assessment will be published for public consultation.

Please click here to complete the Site Submission Form or email a request to either or in writing to the Clerk to the Parish Council, The Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Lambourn, RG17 8XP; Tel: 01488 72400).

Please click here for a map of the Parish

Closing date for site submissions:

Noon on Wednesday 31st August 2022

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