To be held on Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 7.30pm

In The Memorial Hall.

Meeting called by: Gary Wyatt-Hawkins – Clerk


Signature: GWH

Date: 6th September 2023


The Chair may, at their discretion and at a convenient time in the transaction of business, adjourn the meeting to allow any members of the public to address the meeting. Parishioners and others in attendance are reminded that they must remain silent during the transaction of formal Council business.                                                             

Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1 extended by the LG Act 972 s 100.

Agenda Items


Acceptance of apologies for absence 

To receive and accept apologies of absence.

Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.



To receive any declarations of member’s interests or dispensation requests

To receive any declarations of Member’s interests on this agenda, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.



Exclusion of the press and public

Standing Order #1c The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.



To receive and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Wednesday 2nd August, previously circulated.

Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)



Chair’s report

To receive a report from the Chair.



Dog waste bin contract

To note that the contract for the Dog Waste bins has been transferred to The Shield Group Ltd from West Berkshire Council with effect from the 1st of September.

Re: Item 255-06/23 August Full Council Meeting.



Hall desktop and laptop computers

To approve the quotes presented by the Clerk for the replacement of two laptops, one desktop and the purchase of one wireless keyboard. 

Additional details provided in document: 2023-09-06 Parish Council Meeting Councillors Notes

Re: Item 256-06/23 August Full Council Meeting



Maintenance of the Horse Tracks at the Old Cricket Field

To note that Will Riggall has been notified of the council’s permission to clear the ditches alongside the Horse Track 

Re: 257-06/23 August Full Council Meeting




Salting routes

To note that the request from Mark Grant Racing to add Greenways to the salting routes was sent to Andrew Reynolds (Asset Manager) at West Berkshire Council on 22/08/2023. WBC will review all consultation responses in the coming weeks and reply accordingly. They will also need to check with the Term Maintenance Provider that any requests are operationally possible.

Re: Item 258-06/23 August Full Council Meeting




Changes to the Racing Committee Terms of Reference

Chair to provide a report regarding details of additional salting provision (administered by LPC on behalf of the racing industry).

Re: Item 257-06/23 August Full Council Meeting



Mill Lane Play Area

  1. Outdoor gym equipment Servicing (Re: 259-06/23 August Full Council Meeting)
    1. To note that Cllr Harris attempted to make the Double Air Walker safe, but it was discovered that this was impractical due to the permanent ground fixings requiring specialist removal. After consultation with all councillors between Full Council Meetings, seven councillors agreed that the Equipment should be removed.
    2. Action the Clerk’s office to arrange for the removal of the equipment when the servicing takes place.
  2. Cllr Harris to report on public opinion regarding the permanent removal of the Double Air Walker.
  3. Proposal for the resizing and repositioning of goalposts in reaction to the Public Survey, the results of which are to be reported by Cllr Harris.
  4. Levelling and turfing of the Goal mouths and under two benches.
    1. To note Cllr Noll advises that Lambourn Junction CIC will now undertake to manage and pay for the works and that the Members Bid funds will be assigned accordingly.
    2. To note the quotes received for the above work are:
      1. Tactical £820 + VAT
      2. Noll Countryside £620 + VAT (they will also include levelling up the dip in the grass under the red pedestrian gate into the play area to make it better for buggies).
      3. Pampered Paddocks £258 + VAT (they are quoting to seed the grass rather than turf it – a fence around the seed will let it grow, but turf will not only need fencing off whilst it takes but will also need regular watering). In this case, LPC will need to supply the required fencing (cost circa £22.50).



Tree survey (Due before December 2023)

The BOSA Committee allocated £1400.00 + VAT for the tree survey due at the end of this year (they take place every three years) based on a fee proposal provided last Autumn by Nicholsons, who completed the last survey.

The following quotes have been received:

  1. £1400 + VAT Nicholsons agreed to stick with their proposed fee from last year.
  2. £1500 + VAT Naturally Trees, who have completed works for us before at Mill Lane and Market Place.
  3. Foxes – Said they could not quote for this service.
  4. EJM Tree Surgeons – do offer this service but declined to quote.



Update on Telephone Box on Newbury Street

Chair to provide a report regarding the known ownership details of the Telephone Box on Newbury Street



Speed Review for Ermin Street/B4000

Cllr Jones to provide an update regarding the submission of a request for a speed review and the proposed contact with neighbouring Parish Councils to enquire if they would also request a speed review.

Re: Item 260-06/23 August Full Council Meeting



Survey Monkey

To note that an Account has been set up with Survey Monkey with a one-year subscription.

Re: 261-06/23 August Full Council Meeting



Clerk’s Six-Month Probation Period

To note that the Clerk has successfully completed their six-month probation period and received feedback from Cllr Jones and Cllr Rieunier accordingly. A letter of acknowledgement was provided to the Clerk.



BALC Executive

Cllr Rieunier wishes to volunteer for the Executive Committee for BALC/HALC and requests a nomination from LPC to allow her to stand.



Public Participation



Planning Applications

(In planning matters the Council acts as a consultee of the principal authority. The principal authority being the deciding body for planning applications).


13 Northfields Lambourn Hungerford RG17 8YJ

Ref. No: 23/01766/OUT | Received: Fri 28 Jul 2023 | Validated: Fri 28 Jul 2023 | 

Status: Pending Consideration


Barn Adjacent Sheepdrove Farmhouse Sheepdrove Road Lambourn Hungerford RG17 7UN

Ref. No: 23/00019/FUL | Received: Thu 05 Jan 2023 | Validated: Mon 06 Feb 2023 | 

Status: Pending Consideration


Land Opposite Sheepdrove House Sheepdrove Lambourn Hungerford

Ref. No: 23/01730/FUL | Received: Tue 25 Jul 2023 | Validated: Thu 27 Jul 2023 | 

Status: Pending Consideration


Wagnall Cottage Woodlands St Mary Hungerford RG17 7TD

Ref. No: 23/01600/HOUSE | Received: Tue 04 Jul 2023 | Validated: Tue 18 Jul 2023 | 

Status: Pending Consideration


Croft House Stables The Croft Upper Lambourn Hungerford RG17 8QH

Ref. No: 23/01761/FUL | Received: Fri 28 Jul 2023 | Validated: Fri 28 Jul 2023 | 

Status: Pending Consideration



Planning Decisions – For Information Only


Kennels Farm Ermin Street Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford RG17 7TT

Ref. No: 22/01828/COND1 | Approval of details reserved by conditions (4) SUDS, (5) Materials, (6) External Lighting, (9) Soft Landscaping, (10) CMS and (12) Internal Lighting of approved application 21/02668/FUL: Demolition of existing kennel facilities and erection of Class B8 commercial building.

Status: Approved

Comments and observations.

Lambourn Parish Council – Objection 21/02668/FUL Nov 2021. 

No notice of application 22/01828/COND1 was received by LPC.


Mandown Farm, Unnamed Road of Maddle Road, Upper Lambourn

Ref. No: 21/03070/COMIND | Received: Mon 06 Dec 2021 | Validated: Thu 20 Jan 2022 

Creation of new all-weather horse racing training facilities and associated machinery store. 

Status: Approved

Comments and observations.

Lambourn Parish Council Meeting January 2022

  1. Howard Wollaston urged the Parish Council to support this application.
  2. Support – significant lack of this type of facility.     
  3. Lambourn Parish Council would like to request that a landscaping conditions clause be included and a restriction of construction traffic to work around horse movements. 
  1. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Snowden will represent LPC if this application is called in.


Sparkes Cottage Woodlands St Mary Hungerford RG17 7TD

Ref. No: 23/01307/HOUSE | Received: Thu 01 Jun 2023 | Validated: Thu 01 Jun 2023 | 

Proposed new detached garage with home office in roof space.

Status: Approved

Comments and observations.

Lambourn Parish Council – No objection June 2023


Acorn Building Sheepdrove Organic Farm Sheepdrove Lambourn Hungerford RG17 7UU

Ref. No: 23/00722/FUL | Received: Tue 21 Mar 2023 | Validated: Thu 30 Mar 2023 |

Replacement of roof with solar panel roof.

Status: Approved

Comments and observations.

Lambourn Parish Council – No objection May 2023


Land South of Tower Works Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford Ref. No: 

23/00202/COND | Received: Fri 27 Jan 2023| Validated: Fri 27 Jan 2023|

Application for approval of details reserved by condition 13 (SuDS) of planning permission 19/02979/OUTMAJ – Outline application for the erection of a new logistics warehouse building (for occupation by Walker Logistics) (Use Class B8) with ancillary office floorspace, an aircraft museum building (Use Class D1), and associated access, car parking and landscaping. Matters to be considered: Scale.

Ref. No: 23/01299/COND | Received: Thu 01 Jun 2023| Validated: Tue 13 Jun 2023|

Application for approval of details reserved by condition 12 'lighting' of approved application 19/02979/OUTMAJ: Outline application for the erection of a new logistics warehouse building (for occupation by Walker Logistics) (Use Class B8) with ancillary office floorspace, an aircraft museum building (Use Class D1), and associated access, car parking and landscaping. Matters to be considered: Scale.

Status: Approved

Comments and observations.

Lambourn Parish Council – Objected to related case 19/02979/OUTMAJ in December 2019

which was subsequently Refused. 23/00202/COND and 23/01299/COND were referenced in a letter regarding the next Western Area Planning Committee Meeting on 23/08/2023.



Monthly Accounts

  1. To approve the schedule of payments presented
  2. To approve bank reconciliations presented
  3. To note the July Income and Expenditure report as the current financial position of Council.


NB: Additional Costs may be presented if received after the published date of this agenda. The corresponding Minutes of the meeting will record all presented costs.


August Costs







Bank Transfer

ARD Playgrounds

Repair to Half Pipe platform, Minor repairs to surface fixings as requested (verbally on 19/06/2023)




Bank Transfer

DCK Accounting Solution

Remote accounting support for the month of June 2023.




Bank Transfer

Noll Countryside Services Ltd

Contractual Graveyard Maintenance for July 




Bank Transfer

Pampered Paddocks and Logs Unlimited

Contractual Grounds Maintenance for July




Bank Transfer

Pampered Paddocks and Logs Unlimited

Spray of whips at Mill Lane agreed via quorate BOSA email  




Bank Transfer

West Berkshire Council

Empty Dog Waste Bin




Bank Transfer

West Berkshire Council

Salting of Additional Roads within the Parish
 of Lambourn 2022-23




Bank Transfer

LPC Staff Salaries

Salary Employee 1005, 

Salary Employee 1004, 

Salary Employee 1003, 

Salary Employee 1002, 

Salary Employee 1001




Bank Transfer

The Play Inspection Company Ltd

Outdoor Annual Inspection, Eastbury Park, Mill Lane Play Area, The Old Cricket Field




Bank Transfer

Viking Direct

Floor Gel Super Lemo 5l, Pk6 Smart 1 Toilet, Delivery (Freight Charge), Delivery (Insurance Charge)





Barclays Bank

Banking Charges





Amazon Business

Hall Wall Clock





Amazon Business

Horses in Training 2023 Book





Momentive Europe Unlimited Company

Web Monkey – Survey Platform 1-Year Subscription




Direct Debit

EE Limited

Hall Mobile Phone DD




Direct Debit

British Telecommunications plc

Bundled services 




Direct Debit

SSE Southern Electric

Hall Electric




Direct Debit

SSE Southern Electric

LPC owned streetlighting (DD), Standing charges




Direct Debit

Castle Water

Water Direct Debit Payment (Hall)




Direct Debit

NEST Pensions

Employee pension payment 





August Income








Lambourn Market

6 Stalls





Lambourn Market

6 Stalls





Lambourn Market

7 Stalls





Lambourn Market

5 Stalls





Lambourn Market

7 Stalls




Bank Transfer

Belinda Spanswick Pilates

Hall hire 2 x sessions per Tuesday, August/September 2023 (free sessions Oct 3rd)




Bank Transfer

Racing Welfare

Hall Hire 21/4/23





Barclays Bank

Loyalty Reward





Blackwells Funeral Directors

Interment Fee, Gravedigger new plot, Exclusive Rights of Burial & Purchase, Administration





Parishioner (Name Redacted)

Purchase of Plot at Upper Lambourn Cemetery – Plot 674







Future Agenda Items

To request or consider items for the next Agenda.



Close of the meeting

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