Meeting called by Gary Wyatt-Hawkins – Clerk



Signature: GWH

Date: 1st August 2023


The Chair may, at their discretion and at a convenient time in the transaction of business, adjourn the meeting to allow any members of the public to address the meeting. Parishioners and others in attendance are reminded that they must remain silent during the transaction of formal Council business.                                                              

Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1 extended by the LG Act 972 s 100.


Agenda Items



Election of Chair

To elect the Chair of the Staffing Committee



Election of Vice-chair

To elect the Vice-chair of the Staffing Committee



Acceptance of apologies for absence.

To receive and accept apologies of absence.

Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.



To receive any declarations of Members interests or dispensation requests.

To receive any declarations of Members interests on this agenda, in accordance with the: Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.



Exclusion of the Press and Public.

Standing Order #1c The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.



To receive and sign the minutes of the Staffing Committee held on 15th of March 2023

Previously circulated.

LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)



Confirmation of Budget Figures

As detailed under cost centre 103.




Report of Sickness and Absences.

For the Clerk to report to the committee any staff sickness or absences




Pension adjustment update

As per the decision made in June 2021 (Hybrid Meeting of The Full Council – Item 34) to offer a 10% employer contribution rather than the statutory 3% for the qualifying amount of the Nest Pension Scheme.

As this decision was not correctly implemented, confirmation that appropriate adjustments have now been made by the Chair and Clerk.



To agree staff training.

To discuss other courses available (Action from Staffing Committee Meeting 15th March 2023 Item 23).

  • Consider request from Deputy Clerk to undertake a Cemetery Management and Compliance Course at a Cost of £185 + VAT (available dates: 10th & 11th of October).
  • Consider Rialtas Training for the Clerk
  • Consider CiLCA Training for the Deputy Clerk



Review of job descriptions

To discuss reviewing the job descriptions of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk



Staffing Committee terms of Reference

To consider the Staffing Policy in relation to 11-07/23



To decide timeframe of appraisals for staff

  • The Chair of the Staffing Committee will review the Clerk (including probationary period assessment).
  • The Clerk will review the Deputy Clerk

Confirmation that other support staff will be reviewed in January 2024



Close of the meeting


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