01-10/23 Election of a Chair and Vice-Chair

02-10/23 Minutes of previous meeting to be approved

Proposal to confirm the minutes of the previous meeting on 9th November 2022

03-10/23 Changes to the Racing Committee Terms of Reference

Proposal for the Committee to agree on any changes required to the Committee Terms of Reference.

04-10/23 To Discuss actions arising from a proposal put forward at Full Council
To discuss actions arising from the proposal put forward by Cllr Snowden at the Full Council Meeting 4/10/23 as outlined in Minute 305-10/23:

1. That the Racing Committee (RC) continue to ask each trainer to pay a set amount per horse as has been done historically. That the fee per horse should be raised to £4.00 vs. the current amount being frozen at £3.00 for some time. This should allow for a reserve to be built over time. In the event of there being a shortfall in the reserve, the Jockey Club will cover the deficit.

2. In the event of funds being needed for the repair or maintenance of a track or the like, there will be an option to use the reserve for repair, subject to agreement by both the racing committee and the LTA.

3. A memorandum of understanding will be drawn up and agreed upon with the LTA to give LPC the opportunity to confirm the roles and responsibilities of the various parties in the case of non-payment as above.

05-10/23 Proposal to discuss the timing of salting runs

Proposal to discuss the timing of salting runs following a suggestion from a parishioner that salting the night before a frost does not mitigate the problem of ice at 5am for the horses.

06-10/23 Racing Levy

Information: Levy income to end of April 2023 was £2798 out of a requested £4143.

Proposal to agree any changes to the wording of the letter to trainers regarding additional salting over winter 2023-24.


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