01-06/23 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
02-06/23 Minutes of previous meeting
Proposal to confirm minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 22nd February 2023.
03-06/23 Finance Review
The Committee to review the Hall & Street financial report for the year to date.
04-06/23 Market and Hall Use
Information on Hall and Market use in the year to date.
05-06/23 Memorial Hall
- Proposal to remove Covid Risk Assessment and information from Hall Hire Pack
- Proposal to add a cancellation policy and payment terms to the hire agreement.
- Proposal to agree £84 + VAT spend on installation of a spyhole in the Memorial Hall door and £15 + VAT or less on a wireless doorbell.
- Proposal for the Committee to take advantage of a government fund to provide a free portrait of the King to qualifying public institutions – details tbc
06-06/23 Market Cross
An update on the proposed restoration works to the Market Cross.
07-06/23 Streetlights
An update on the status of the streetlight upgrade project.
08-06/23 Public Toilet
Proposal for the committee to consider parameters for the future use of the public toilet and whether a deep clean is required.
09-06/23 Photography Competition
- The Committee to decide on the winning three entries.
- The Committee to decide on sizes and frames and a wall clock in sympathetic style.
10-06/23 Items for next meeting
Date: 07/06/23