Date changed from 11th to the 25th of October 2023
On Wednesday October 25th, 2023 in the Memorial Hall at 7.00pm
24-10/23 Minutes of previous meeting
Proposal to confirm minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 14th June 2023.
25-10/23 Finance Review
The Committee to review the Hall & Street financial report for the year to date and make budgeting decisions for the financial year 2024-25.
26-10/23 Market and Hall Use
a) Information on Hall and Market use in the year to date.
b) Market update, Market Toby to take a leave of absence
27-10/23 Community Speedwatch
Update and discussion on moving forward.
28-10/23 Market Cross
An update on the proposed restoration works to the Market Cross.
29-10/23 Streetlights
An update on the status of the streetlight upgrade project.
30-10/23 Public Toilet
Proposal for the committee to consider the future of the public toilet and whether a deep clean is required, now that usage data has been made available.
31-10/23 Memorial Hall
- Proposal to discuss how the website can be improved for Hall Bookings
- Proposal for the Committee to decide on the frequency of PAT testing. Guidelines state Class 1 items (Fridges etc) every 48 months, portable equipment every 24 months and handheld equipment every 12 months but there is no statutory period. PAT testing was last completed in summer 2022.
32-10/23 Grit Bins
Proposal to accept costs and agree refills. The cost is unchanged from last year with a refill cost of £40 + VAT per – minimum of 10 bins required for the initial fill and a minimum of 3 bins required for subsequent fills over the winter.
33-10/23 Next meeting date
Proposal to change the date of the next Hall and Street meeting from 14th February to 28th February to avoid Valentine’s Day and to avoid a clash with the Deputy Clerk’s training commitments.
34/10/23 Items for next meeting
Clerk: Date: