Meeting called by Karen Crowhurst – Locum Clerk
Signature: K A Crowhurst Date: 22nd February 2023
The Chair may, at her discretion and at a convenient time in the transaction of business, adjourn the meeting to allow any members of the public to address the meeting. Parishioners and others in attendance are reminded that they must remain silent during the transaction of Council business.
Agenda Items
166 Acceptance of apologies for absence – To receive and accept apologies of absence.
167 To receive any declarations of Members interests or dispensation requests -To receive any declarations of Members interests on this agenda, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.
168 Election of Vice Chair
169 Chairs report – To receive a report from the Chair.
170 To accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 1st of February 2023
and the Extraordinary Council meeting held on the 16th of February,
as true and accurate record of those meetings.
171 Public Participation
172 To accept the minutes and decisions from the Finance Committee held on 8th of February 2023. The Staffing Committee held on the 22nd October 2022 as true and accurate records of those meetings.
173 Planning Applications
23/00217/HOUSE 5 Atherton Place Lambourn Hungerford
Single storey side extension
23/00205/HOUSE Kenmary Bockhampton Road Lambourn
Construction of shed in lieu of cycle store.
23/00347/OUT 24 Northfields, Lambourn, RG17 8YJ
Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved: New two-storey detached dwelling adjacent to existing property.
174 Planning Decisions
22/02628/FULMAJ Unit 2, Lambourn Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford – Permission granted.
22/02628/FULMAJ Unit 2, Lambourn Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford – Approved Subject to conditions.
22/02627/FULMAJ 1, 3, 4,5 And 9, Lambourn Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands – Planning permission granted.
22/03053/CONDInholmes House, Inholmes, Woodlands St Mary, Hungerford – Details of the Application approved.
22/03045/COND Whitehouse Stables, Upper Lambourn Hungerford. Details of the Application approved.
22/02423/ Strouds Farm, Ermin Street, Hungerford. – Permission granted.
22/01575/HOUSE Trabbs Farmhouse, Seven Barrows Lambourn. – Permission granted.
22/00897/RESMAJ Land South of Lower Works, Lambourn Woodlands,Hungerford.
Grants reserved matters for approval. Subject to conditions.
- Other Planning Matters
West Berkshire District Council – Local Plan Review
- To decide whether Lambourn Parish Council wishes to comment on the Local Plan Review. Consultation.
- To agree a Council Member to take the lead and collate the response.
- To agree to delegate authority by email to agree the final response for submission.
176 Monthly Accounts
- To approve the schedule of payments presented
- To approve bank reconciliations presented
- To note the Cost Centre report as the current financial position of Council.
177 To agree for Council and the Finance Committee to work on a 3 Year Financial Forecast for Lambourn Parish Council
- To appoint Council Members to work on a 3-year forecast for ratification at the April or May Council meeting.
178 Arrangements for King Charles III Coronation
- To consider any involvement regarding events of the Parish Council
- To grant delegated authority alongside the Clerk to proceed with any actions required.
- To consider any financial costs to the Council.
178 Councillor Recruitment Roadshow
- To consider holding a Roadshow to encourage eligible parishioners to stand for election.
- To agree a timeframe for the event.
- To consider any financial costs to the Council.
179 Future Agenda Items – To request or consider items for the next Agenda.
180 Exclusion of Public & Press – to resolve the exclusion of public & press in accordance with the press & public (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as the matters to be discussed are confidential due to the item being contractual.
181 Quotations
- To consider quotations received for the electricity supply for street lighting.
- To consider quotations for the Grass Cutting and Maintenance Contract to commence from the 1st of April 2023.
182 Close of the meeting