The Chair may, at her discretion and at a convenient time in the transaction of business, adjourn the meeting to allow any members of the public to address the meeting. Parishioners and others in attendance are reminded that they must remain silent during the transaction of Council business.
Agenda Items
148 Acceptance of apologies for absence – To receive and accept apologies of absence.
149 To receive any declarations of Members interests or dispensation requests -To receive any declarations of Members interests on this agenda, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.
150 Election of Vice Chair
151 Chairs report – To receive a report from the Chair.
152 PCSO report – To receive a written report from the PCSO regarding local policing matters.
153 To accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th of January 2023
as true and accurate record of the meeting.
154 Public Participation
155 Library update and report – For noting or decision.
156 Planning Applications
22/03133/FUL Membury House Cricket Pitch Lambourn Woodlands Hungerford
Extension of existing cricket pavilion, erection of grounds keeper’s hut and associated works
23/00021/FULMAJ Former Lambing Barn and Land Sheepdrove Organic Farm Lambourn
Use of the application site for wedding ceremonies and receptions for 5 months a year including the erection of a tipi for 5 months a year, use of the former Shepherd’s rest as a Registrar Office, use of the open sided former lambing shed to host wedding ceremonies, use of hardstanding apron for car parking and use of land adjoining the tipi for the overnight camping of guests.
23/00042/FUL Saxon Hall Upper Lambourn Hungerford
Erection of detached dwelling and detached garage on Land west of Saxon Hall, Upper Lambourn, Berkshire, RG17 8QH (REVISION TO
22/02627/FULMAJ SITE: 1, 3, 4,5 And 9, Lambourn Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford
PROPOSAL: Section 73: Variation of Conditions 1 (approved documents) and 11 (historic building recording) of approved application 22/01421/COMIND: Section 73: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of previously approved application 21/01766/COMIND: Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a facsimile replacement buildings, plus associated works of construction. There is no change of use and the buildings will be used for office/industrial and storage uses as existing.
22/02628/FULMAJ SITE: Unit 2, Lambourn Business Park, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford
PROPOSAL: Section 73: Variation of Condition 1 (approved drawings) of approved application 22/01420/COMIND: Section 73: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of previously approved application 21/01116/COMIND: Demolition of the existing building and erection of a facsimile replacement building, plus associated works of construction.
23/00067/HOUSE 3 Newbury Road Lambourn Hungerford
Single storey side extension
157 Planning Decisions
22/02799/HOUSE 11 Honey Hill, Lambourn, Hungerford, West Berkshire
Two storey side extension to add new lounge and study, plus two bedrooms with one en-suite – Application withdrawn.
22/02810/COND Inholmes, Woodlands St Mary, Hungerford
Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions 4 (Building recording) and 5
(Archaeology) of planning permission 22/01234/FULMAJ – Extensions and alterations to the main house, demolition and re-build of sheds and infilling of external swimming pool. – Application approved.
22/02871COND Inholmes, Woodlands St Mary, Hungerford
Approval of details reserved by Condition No.3 (Spoil Arisings) of Approved Application 22/01234/FULMAJ: Extensions and alterations to main house, demolition and rebuild of sheds and infilling of external swimming pool. – Application approved.
158 Monthly Accounts
- To approve the schedule of payments presented
Company/Individual | Amount | Note |
SLCC Enterprises Ltd | £144.00 | ILCA training for Assistant Clerk |
Newbury News | £123.00 | Advert for BOSA grass cutting quotes |
TWL Plumbing | £119.14 | Leak repair in Public Loo |
Universal Stores | £16.00 | Microfibre cloths for Caretaker |
Sommers Waste Solutions | £87.60 | Bins for Market Waste |
Monthly Direct Debits / Standing Orders
Company/Individual | Amount | Note |
Hall Water | £22.06 | |
Cemetery Water | £11.91 | |
Hall Electricity | £10.00 | Account £703.97 in Credit |
Streetlight Electricity | £540.57 | |
BT Mobile | £20.78 | |
BT Phone & Internet | £106.69 | |
Salaries | £2,085.65 |
- To approve bank reconciliations presented
- To approve bank signatories for the Santander and other accounts
- To consider any other financial matters which cannot be held over until the next meeting.
159 Policies for adoption
- Lambourn Parish Council Procurement Policy
- Lambourn Parish Council Internal Audit Control Procedures and appointment of Council Members to the Internal Control Team.
160 Change of Date for the Annual Statutory meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting
To agree to reschedule the Annual Statutory Meeting from the scheduled date of 4th May 2023 to the 10th of May 2023, to allow for the statutory days required after an election.
To agree to reschedule the Annual Parish Meeting from the scheduled date of 28th April 2023 to 17th of May 2023. Subject to change if required.
161 Future Agenda Items – To request or consider items for the next Agenda.
162 Exclusion of Public & Press – to resolve the exclusion of public & press in accordance with the press & public (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as the matters to be discussed relate to staffing.
163 Appointment of Parish Clerk to Lambourn Parish Council – To receive an update and consider any other matters which may require decision.
164 Urgent items at the Chair’s discretion requiring decisions which cannot be held over until the next meeting.
165 Close of the meeting