33-12/23 Minutes of previous meeting
Proposal to confirm minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 13th September 2023.
34-12/23 Finance Review
The Committee to review the BOSA financial report for the year to date.
Feedback from the Full Council December meeting re a potential programme of low-grade maintenance for play areas in 2024-25.
35-12/23 Mill Lane
a. Proposal to discuss number and placement of silver birches and relocation of two tables deferred from meeting September 13th 2023.
b. Proposal to discuss the possible installation of astro-turf goal mouths.
c. Proposal to agree two new waste bins.
d. Update from the Chair regarding the levelling of the old goal mouth areas.
e. Information only:
- Retrospectively note November Full Council decision: Cut back of tree interfering with a phone cable will be added to any works arising from Tree Survey.
- The removal of the damaged slide at Mill Lane has been confirmed with Ard at a cost of £292.50 + VAT – removal date pending.
36-12/23 Old Cricket Field
- Feedback from Cllr Atkinson on his informal chats with Old Cricket Field users about future uses for the skatepark area.
- Feedback from Noll on the proposed removal of the cage around the Jubilee Tree.
- Feedback on the repair of the rubberised surface at the entrance.
- Proposal to arrange a full clean of the skatepark surface to remove leaf debris, moss, silt and mud.
37-12/23 Eastbury Furze
Retrospectively note December Full Council expenditure decision on the placement of metal boots on two timbers at Eastbury Furze at a cost of £895.00 + VAT
38-12/23 Playground Equipment Lifespan
Information only: There is no statutory guideline on play equipment lifespan as there are too many variables. Provided equipment is kept in good repair and is assessed as low risk by ROSPA inspectors it can continue to be used.
39-12/23 Tree Safety Survey Results
Feedback on the results of the Tree Safety Survey undertaken on 31st October 2023.
40-12/23 Upper Lambourn Cemetery
Retrospectively note December Full Council expenditure decision on the substantial cutback of the Cemetery hedge at a cost of £1500 + VAT. The auditor confirmed that since this is additional to a contract with the existing supplier comparative quotes are not required.
41-12/23 Dog Waste Bins
Proposal to consider amalgamating dog waste and litter bins at selected locations.
42-12/23 Cemetery Systems
Feedback from the Deputy Clerk on progress checking Cemetery records against grave sites.
43-12/23 Cemetery Land Purchase.
Update and discussion on the proposed Cemetery land purchase.
44-12/23 Memorials – Information only
Sophie Charlotte Mackenzie-Smith
Dearly loved by her family
and all who knew her.
Betty Sopp
Devoted Wife, Mother and Grandmother
Forever in our Hearts
13.09.1927 to 09.06.2023
Our Beloved Sister
Patricia Senior
Wife, Mother and Grandmother
24th July 1939 – 13th March 2023
45-12/23 Items for next meeting