01-06/23 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
02-06/23 Minutes of previous meeting
Proposal to confirm minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.
03-06/23 Finance Review
The Committee to review the BOSA financial report for the year to date.
04-06/23 Tracker Review
The Committee to consider items from the Tracker and make decisions as required.
05-06/23 Mill Lane
- Report from Cllr Noll on the status of the Mill Lane Upgrade Project.
- Proposal for the Committee to view Complainants response to the Clerk’s letter dated 15/5/23 and confirm no further action.
- Proposal to retrospectively agree £171.36 + VAT spend on parts and £60 + VAT spend on installation for the Low Rotator by ARD – work agreed under Clerk’s expenditure.
- Proposal to give permission for Scarrotts’ Fair to use Mill Lane between 22-29th August.
07-06/23 Old Cricket Field
- Proposal for the Committee to consider damage to the rubberised surface between the horse track and the pavement and proposed fixes.
- Proposal for the Committee to agree £50 + VAT spend on tightening fixtures at the skate park after a parishioner complained of protruding screws.
- Proposal for the Committee to consider the future of the skatepark. Ard have advised that the park is over 15 years old, the inner wooden frames are reaching end of life, spares are no longer available, the manufacturer Rhino Ramps no longer has a UK agent. Ard can attempt to shore up the inner frame on the far side ramp.
- Proposal to allow the Lambourn Girl Guides to have a colour run at the far side of the Old Cricket field on a date this summer TBC. They have their own insurance, will provide an event specific risk assessment and have been asked to provide a Material Safety Data Sheet for the powder.
08-06/23 Eastbury Furze
Proposal for the Committee to agree the replacement of two timbers at Eastbury Furze Play area highlighted as moderate risk during the most recent playground inspection completed End February.
09-06/23 Upper Lambourn Cemetery
Proposal for the Committee to consider a complaint from a parishioner concerning damage to a headstone end determine whether further action needs to be taken.
Proposal for the Committee to agree the removal of five unsold plots from the Cemetery Map: 672, 691, 694, 707, 711 in the reserved section due to lack of real-world space.
10-06/23 Grounds Maintenance Contract
Feedback from the Deputy Clerk on the first 3 months of the new contract.
11-06/23 Dog Waste Bins
Cllr Rieunier to update the committee regarding ongoing issues with the new West Berkshire Council Emptying contract.
12-06/23 Tree Survey
Proposal for the Committee to agree on the frequency of the Tree Survey. Committee Terms of Reference state annual.
14-06/23 Parish Council Byelaws
Proposal to agree to update the Parish Council Byelaws
15-06/23 Allotment Society and Paddock Rental
Cllr Rieunier to update the Committee on potential changes to how the flow of Paddock rental income to the Allotment Society is managed.
Proposal for the Committee to agree Paddock Rent from September 2023- September 2024.
16-06/23 Memorials – Information only
Leonard Byrne
Gone But Not Forgotten
God Bless
Charmaine Pike
17 May 1966
2 Nov 2022
A much loved
Daughter, Sister and Auntie
Forever in our hearts
In Loving Memory of
Nicholas Antony Sperling
21.02.1944 – 22.11.2021
Reunited with
Susan Mary Hobbs
Reunited A Loving Wide, Mother, Nan & Great Nan,
Who Fell Asleep December 23rd 2022 aged 94 years.
Forever in our Thoughts
17-06/23 Items for next meeting