We are funded principally through an annual precept, the precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax levied on local taxpayers. We mainly use this to fund the administration of the council and to provide additional local services to enhance those already provided by West Berkshire Council. You can click here to see a selection of the services we provide.
Transparency is a fundamental value of Lambourn Parish Council so here you’ll find an overview of how much money we receive and where we spend it.
In the financial year April 2023 to 31 March 2024 our income was £279,304. This was made up of:
£177,000 – from the precept
£47,387 – from Community Infrastructure Levy (monies collected from building in the parish)
£54,917 – from grants and funding, and trading activities such as hiring the Memorial Hall, market rent and burials.
Our expenditure was made up of:
Staff costs: £66,564
Supply and maintenance of services £207,372
To see a detailed report, please go to the Our Accounts section below
By law we have our finances audited by an external auditor to ensure that we are following all the rules and regulations which apply to parish councils and how their funds are spent. There are a number of key documents which we publish every year which provide more detail on our income and expenditure: