The Parish Council have received several enquiries this year about overgrown hedges obstructing roads, pavements and public rights of way and wanted to offer some advice on how to report them.
All overgrown hedges that are causing an obstruction to a road, pavement or Public Right of Way (PROW) should be reported to West Berkshire Council. They are the enforcing authority.
Any member of the public can report hedges by sticking a pin in the map and providing details, click here for the link.
Or by calling West Berkshire Council on 01635 551111.
If the hedge belongs to West Berkshire Council, they will arrange to cut it. If the hedge belongs to somebody else, West Berkshire Council will confirm that an enforcement notice has been issued giving the landowner 28 days to remedy the situation.
In every case, cutting back obstructive hedges is the responsibility of the landowner.
If an overgrown hedge is specifically blocking a Public Right of Way (PROW) then:
- West Berkshire Council are responsible for any vegetation growing up from the path for the width of the path.
- The landowner is responsible for hedges and overhanging branches causing obstruction.
An excerpt from West Berkshire Council information sheet says:
“Obstructing a PROW (even in part) is both a civil and criminal matter. The Council will consider the most appropriate enforcement method depending on the circumstances. In the event that the Council needs to carry out the works in default it has the power to recharge a landowner or occupier for the removal of an obstruction on a PROW and this includes the cost of legal expenses and overheads”.