The Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group are sending out a request for help.
Special hedges and trees: We would like to hear from Parishioners about any trees/hedgerows in the Parish of Lambourn which you consider to be of particular note, or contribute to the street scene.
Clear identification (photos, maps or written directions, perhaps with an explanation of why the trees/hedges are special) is needed, so that we can include these in the LNDP.
Non-Heritage Assets: A Non-Heritage Asset is one which is not a Listed Building or a Scheduled Monument. Despite having many Listed/Scheduled structures in the Parish, it is surprising what is NOT officially recorded, even within the various Conservation Areas.
If you think a particular structure or site is of historic interest, don’t worry about whether it is listed or not – please let the LNDP Steering Group know, so it can be recorded in the Plan.
As with hedges and trees, photos, maps, directions and an explanation of the value of the Asset to the Parish would be helpful.
Suggestions or requests for further information should be sent to: