Purpose of the Hall & Streets Committee – The Committee will act on behalf of the Parish Council in respect of all aspects of maintenance, risk assessment, and letting of the Memorial Hall as well as streetlights (maintenance and upgrades), the Friday Market and Salt bins.

Key Responsibilities of the Committee – The Committee is formed to ensure the Council complies with the requirements of governance and risk assessments.

Operational Responsibilities – The Hall & Streets Committee will have the following duties and shall be empowered, within the current structure, to:

a)   Monitor the guidance on village halls and ensure legal compliance.

b)   Arrange PAT Testing of electrical goods, fire extinguisher annual testing and annual boiler service.

c)   Initiate any new facilities within the Memorial Hall, streetlighting, street furniture or salt bins.  The costs of any new facilities are to be within the annual agreed budget.

d)   Liaise with the Clerk to ensure that the Clerk is fully aware of the committee’s requirements as to work to be carried out and is in receipt of all quotations for such work to be carried out.

e)   Monitor and ensure that expenditure is in line with the budgets approved by the Council, in consultation with the RFO.

f)    Review the Hall rental fees annually and submit any proposed amendments by a date agreed by all concerned

g)   Review the Market stall holder fees annually and submit any proposed amendments by a date agreed by all concerned

h)   Review the Memorial Hall rental regulations periodically and submit any proposed amendments to full Council.

i)    Consider the medium/long term development of the Memorial Hall and to keep the Full Council informed so that appropriate financial planning can be put in place.

j)    Liaise with the Clerk as to the maintenance of equipment

k)   Ensure all work to be carried out in the Memorial Hall is within the annual agreed budget.

l)    Review Health and Safety Assessment and annual risk assessments.

m)  Ensure Hall user forms are collected and saved, according to GDPR restrictions.

n)   Maintain a key log – record of key holders.

o)   Maintain all plaques on the Memorial Hall.

p)   Ensure adherence to the Council’s policies regarding Memorial Hall use and access.

q)   Ensure annual CCTV maintenance is undertaken.

r)   Ensure the CCTV policy is adhered too.

s)   Select CCTV operators and ensure training in the use of the CCTV is undertaken.

t)   Maintain a register log of access to the CCTV system and ensure the secure location of the log.

u)   Review costs for CCTV footage annually.

v)   Ensure adherence to the latest guideline regarding CCTV footage and legal compliance with GDPR.

w)  Ensure streetlights are maintained and in working order and upgraded when they become obsolete (within budget restrictions).

x)   Ensure reporting of out of order streetlights is promptly undertaken.

y)   Ensure a list of salt bins is maintained and consider requests for new salt bins.

z)   Grit bins

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