For several months there have been communications between Lambourn Parish Council and West Berkshire Council to provide a solution to the ongoing flooding of the Upper Lambourn Road by the entrance to the Old Cricket Field.

The flooding has been caused due to the ditch on the south side of the road being full of silt, which in turn, has caused the culvert under the road to block and stop water draining away.

As with most roadside ditches, maintenance of the ditch is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner. In this case West Berks is only responsible for maintaining the roadside grips which drain the water from the road to the ditches and the culvert.

However, after some persuasion by Lambourn Parish Council, West Berks have cleared the ditch, the grips and the culvert which should ensure that the road does not flood which in turn should prevent any further flooding of both the horse track and skate park at the Old Cricket Field.

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