The Lambourn neighbourhood development plan consists of a number of components which address different aspects of the character of the area. The main components are:

The Lambourn River Study

The river Lambourn is a defining feature of the landscape of the parish. Over millions of years it has carved the valley in which Lambourn nestles today. The Lambourn River study examines the river from its source throughout the area taking into account the geology, the flora and fauna as well as the visual impact of the river.
January 2022: Bluestone Planning LLP is currently putting together the study to provide evidence on which to base policies in the Lambourn neighbourhood development plan.

Landscape Character Assessment

The landscape character assessment is a major piece of work which examines the landscape throughout the designated neighbourhood development plan area. It separates the area into different zones depending on key features such as habitations and woodlands. The assessment was carried out in summer 2020 by Neil Davidson of Lepus Consulting.

Residents Survey

A resident survey was carried out in December 2019 and hand-delivered to every house in the parish. The survey asked many questions based on the initial input from consultations around the parish.

Landowners’ and Land Managers’ Survey

A survey aimed at the land owners and land managers in the area was started in November 2021. The service is still running and the results and evidence gathered will inform policies in the development plan.

Business Survey

An online survey of the businesses located in the Lambourn neighbourhood development plan area was carried out. Feedback from the survey and evidence gathered will inform the Lambourn neighbourhood development plan.

Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan Area
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