We know that speeding traffic is a real concern for our parishioners.  This weekend, you will have seen that Community Speedwatch signs have been put up at the entrances to the villages of Eastbury, Lambourn and Lambourn Woodlands.  Thanks to Councillor Steve Mead and the Eastbury Warden – James Potter for putting them in place.

The Community Speedwatch (CSW) programme has had a major relaunch, with Police Forces across the country joining up to provide admin and support to deal with the issue.

Eastbury and Lambourn (including Lambourn Woodlands) have signed up for this new programme.  Equipment, including two “radar guns” is being purchased with grant funding from Lambourn Parish Council and West Berkshire Council.

We now need to train volunteers to help in monitoring vehicle speeds and collecting data.  The more volunteers we have, the fewer sessions we’ll each need to do to tackle the issue.  Times and duration of recording sessions are a free choice and are only conducted in daylight hours.  The online training takes approximately half an hour.

If you would like to help tackle the problem of speeding traffic through Lambourn, please email info@lambourn-pc.gov.uk for further information. 

For Eastbury please reply to villagewardens@eastbury.org and they’ll send you the link to join the Eastbury CSW team. 

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