The Community Infrastructure Levy (or CIL for short) is the way we collect financial contributions from developers to help pay for new and improved infrastructure.

Most new development which creates net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable for the levy.

We currently receive 15% of the total payment but when the neighbourhood plan is in place, the parish council will receive a higher CIL proportion of 25%, uncapped.

We can spend this funding on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure, or anything else that is concerned with addressing demands that development places on an area.

Some of the ways we have used these funds in the past include upgrades to the Memorial Hall, installing a horse crossing and new goal posts for the Old Cricket Field play area.

Annually we send a breakdown of our CIL income and expenditure to West Berkshire. Any funds not spent within five years will need to be handed back to West Berkshire Council.

CIL Report for Financial Year 2023-24 click here

CIL Report for Financial Year 2022-23 click here

CIL Report for Financial Year 2021-22 click here

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