Whilst Community Assets are usually thought of as buildings or pieces of land, they can be almost anything, including key people. The important criterion is that they improve the quality of community life, furthering the wellbeing or interests of the local community.

As part of the LNDP, the Steering Group is asking residents to suggest what they consider “Community Assets”. Assets proposed so far include: Lambourn Primary School, Lambourn Library, the Churches (meaning both buildings and organisations), Poors Furze Playing Field, Lambourn.org website, Woodlands St. Mary Village Hall. Where evidence shows the asset furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community the LNDP can put forward ways in which it can be supported, protected or maintained.

One category of community asset is historic structures. Some may be listed buildings or scheduled monuments, but there are other significant heritage assets which, whilst they do not qualify for “designated” status, are important to the community. They may be associated with the racing industry or a person of local interest; a former pub or farm; a memorial; linked to the railway, the river or the ancient routes through the Parish – the Ridgeway and Ermin Street; or have a unique appearance. Can you help the LNDP Steering Group compile a list of such “non-designated” heritage assets?

If you would like to suggest any “Community Assets” within the Parish of Lambourn, please get in touch via email: Lambourn.ndp@gmail.com or Lambourn Parish Council, the Memorial Hall, Oxford St. Lambourn. RG17 8XP. We look forward to hearing from you.

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