Lambourn Parish Council CCTV Policy

This document has been formatted for easy accessibility as a web page. The original document can be inspected at our Offices by contacting the Clerk.

1. Introduction

This policy is to control the management, operation, use and confidentiality of the CCTV system located at High Street and Oxford Street and Market Place Lambourn.

The policy was prepared after taking due account of the Code of Practice published by the Data Protection Commissioner (revised 2015) and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. This policy will be subject to periodic review by the Parish Council to ensure that it continues to reflect the public interest and that it and the system meets all legislative requirements.

The CCTV Scheme is registered with the Information Commissioner under the Terms of the Data Protection Act 2018. Registration Reference: Z3374753

Lambourn Parish Council accepts the eight data protection principles based on the Data Protection Act 2018 as follows. Data must be fairly and lawfully processed;
a) processed for limited purposes and not in any manner incompatible with those purposes;
b) adequate, relevant and not excessive;
c) accurate;
d) not kept for longer than is necessary;
e) processed in accordance with individuals’ rights;
f) secure;
g) not transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects is ensured.

2. Statement of Purpose

To provide a safe and secure environment for the benefit of those who might visit, work or live in the area. The system will not be used to invade the privacy of any individual, except when carried out in accordance with the law. The scheme will be used for the following purposes: to reduce the fear of crime by persons within the Village without fear of intimidation by individuals or groups; to reduce the vandalism of property and to prevent, deter and detect crime and disorder; to assist the police, the Parish Council and other Law Enforcement Agencies with identification, detection, apprehension and prosecution of offenders by examining and using retrievable evidence relating to crime, public order or contravention of bye-laws; to deter potential offenders by publicly displaying the existence of CCTV, having cameras clearly sited that are not hidden and signs on display in areas being monitored;

3. Changes to the Purpose or Policy

The CCTV Policy may be discussed at Hall and Streets or Finance Committees with the involvement of the DPO. However, any major change that would have a significant impact on either the purpose or this policy of operation of the CCTV scheme will take place only after discussion and resolution at a Full Parish Council meeting.

4. Responsibilities of the Owner of the Scheme

Lambourn Parish Council retains overall responsibility for the scheme. The Council will keep a record of trained operators.

5. Management of the System

Day to day operational responsibility rests with the Clerk to the Council.
Breaches of this policy will be investigated by the Clerk to the Council and the DPO and the findings will be reported to the Parish Council.
A CCTV system prevents crime largely by increasing the risk of detection and prosecution of an offender. Any relevant tape or digital evidence must be in an acceptable format for use at Court hearings. This policy must be read and understood by all persons involved in this scheme and individual copies of this policy will therefore be issued for retention. A copy will also be available for reference in the secure recording areas.

6. Control and Operation of the Cameras, Monitors and Systems

The following points must be understood and strictly observed by operators:
a) Trained operators must act with integrity and not abuse the equipment or change the pre-set criteria to compromise the privacy of an individual.
b) The position of cameras and monitors have been agreed following consultation with the Community Safety Unit based at West Berkshire District Council.
c) No public access will be allowed to the monitors except for lawful, proper and sufficient reason, with prior approval of the Clerk and DPO or the Chair of the Parish Council. The Police are permitted access to data and prints if they have reason to believe that such access is necessary to investigate, detect or prevent crime. Any visit by the Police to view images will be logged by the operator.
d) Operators should regularly check the accuracy of the date/time displayed.
e) Storage and Retention of Images
Digital records should be securely stored to comply with data protection and should only be handled by the essentially minimum number of persons. Digital images will be retained for a minimum of 30 days and erased when disk space requires.
f) Images will not normally be supplied to the media, except on the advice of the police if it is deemed to be in the public interest. The Clerk to the Council would inform the Chair of the Parish Council of any such emergency.
g) As records may be required as evidence at Court, each person handling a digital record may be required to make a statement to a police officer and sign an exhibit label. Any images that are handed to a police officer should be signed for by the police officer and information logged to identify the recording, and showing the officer’s name and police station. The log should also show when such information is returned to the Parish Council by the police and the outcome of its use.
h) Any event that requires checking of recorded data should be clearly detailed in the log book of incidents, including Crime Numbers. If appropriate, and the Parish Council notified at the next available opportunity.
i) Any damage to equipment or malfunction discovered by an operator should be reported immediately to the Clerk, DPO and the Chair of the Parish Council and recorded in the log. When a repair has been made, this should also be logged showing the date and time of completion.
j) Subject Access Requests
Any request by an individual member of the public for access to their own recorded image must be made on an Access Request Form. Forms are available by contacting the Clerk to the Council and will be submitted to the next meeting of the Parish Council for consideration and reply, normally within one calendar month. Consideration of Subject Access Requests may be delayed during August as the parish council does not meet during summer recess. There is a £10 fees or charges.
Members of Thames Valley Police will be required to complete an Access Request Form. Only the officer’s name and number need to be recorded.
k) No images will be posted, only handed over directly to police officers or a person authorised by the police.

7. Accountability

Copies of the CCTV Policy are available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, as will any reports that are submitted to the Parish Council providing it does not breach security needs. The Police will be informed of the installation and provided with a copy of this CCTV Policy. Any written concerns or complaints regarding the use of the system will be considered by the Parish Council, in line with the existing complaints policy.
The Data Protection Officer or operator will be responsible for retrieving images once the Information request has been approved by Full Council.
In the event of a Police request the Chair, Clerk and Data Protection Officer will be allowed to authorise retrieval of data to expedite the request and ensure a speedy resolution. The information will then be presented at the next Full Council meeting.

Document Control
Document owner: Lambourn Parish Council
Version number: V1.0
Approval Date: 31 March 2023
Approved By: Full Council EGM
Review cycle: Annual
Date of next review: 2024

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