Purpose of the BOSA Committee – The Committee will act on behalf of the Parish Council in respect of all aspects of Burial, Open Spaces and Allotments and ensure adherence by the Parish Council to all legislation and guidance.

Key Responsibilities of the Committee – The Committee is formed to ensure the Council complies with the requirements of risk assessment and governance of the Burials (both open and closed cemeteries) and Public Open spaces. Allotments are run by the Allotment society which will have an LPC representative on the Committee.

Operational Responsibilities – The BOSA Committee will have the following duties and shall be empowered, within the current structure, to:

a)   Monitor the following open spaces belonging to the Parish Council:- the Recreation Ground – Mill Lane, Eastbury Furze Playground, Old Cricket Field Skate Park and Open Space.

b)   Ensure that inspection sheets be completed by the Clerk/Assistant Clerk weekly during summer and fortnightly in the Winter.

c)   Initiate any new facilities within the open spaces eg: Play areas. The costs of any new facilities are to be within the annual agreed budget.

d)   Liaise with the Parish Clerk to ensure that they are fully aware of the committee’s requirements as to work to be carried out in the open spaces and is in receipt of all quotations for such work to be carried out.

e)   In consultation with the RFO the Committee shall monitor and ensure that expenditure is in line with the budgets approved by the Council.

f)    Ensure annual safety inspections are carried out to meet legal requirements for the above spaces. The Parish Council currently carries out inspections twice a year.

g)   Review the Burial Ground fees annually and submit any proposed amendments by a month agreed by all concerned

h)   Review the Burial Ground regulations periodically and submit any proposed amendments to full Council.

i)    Consider the medium/long term development of the Burial Ground and to keep the Full Council informed so that appropriate financial planning can be put in place.

j)    Liaise with the Clerk as to the maintenance of the Closed Churchyard burial grounds St James (closed section), St Luke’s and St Michael and All Angels)

k)   Liaise with the Clerk to ensure that they are fully aware of the Committee’s requirements as to work to be carried out in the Burial Ground and/or Closed Churchyard is in receipt of all quotations for work to be carried out.

l)    Ensure that all work to be carried out in the Burial Ground and Closed Churchyard is within the annual agreed budget.

m) Review Health and Safety Assessment in respect of memorial stones

n)   Liaise with the representative of the Parochial Church Council as appropriate

o)   Recommend improvements as necessary within the budget

p)   To act as the liaison body between the Parish Office and the Allotment holders/Allotment Association with regard to starting/terminating existing allotment agreements. To be regularly updated on current Waiting lists.

q)   Keep records of all burials and interment of ashes and their locations

r)   Liaise with funeral directors appertaining to all internments

s)   Ensure that the relevant documentation is received 72 hours in advance

t)    Complete the registrar of deaths paperwork

u)   Facilitate the purchase of all plots

v)   Organise three-yearly tree inspections and annual topple testing of gravestones in the Cemetery

w)  Annually review the rules and fees.

x)   Overseeing of the grass cutting contracts

y)   Overseeing of the gravedigging contract

z)   Overseeing the maintenance of the MOU area (West Berkshire Council)

aa) Dog bins

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