What is “Housing Site Allocation”?
Lambourn needs houses. Housing need surveys, the horse training industry’s feedback and questionnaire responses from local people all show that there are not enough of the right sort of homes (e.g. rented or affordable) available.
Local planning authorities (in our case, West Berkshire Council) have to set aside land – “Allocated Sites” – for a certain number of homes.
Only houses built on “allocated sites” count towards the total, so (for example) the new Almshouses will not count. They are considered “windfall”.
Lambourn’s share of WBC’s total is 90 houses by 2039.
In the past, WBC has allocated housing sites. The allocation of future sites for development in Lambourn will now take place through the Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan process, which undergoes several stages of public consultation and independent examination
Two sites, for a total of 65 houses, have previously been allocated by WBC in the Housing Sites Allocations DPD 2006-2026, (adopted May 2017), and included in the draft Local Plan Review 2022 to 2039*.
These are:
RSA14 Land adjoining Lynch Lane, Lambourn: Approximately 60 dwellings. (No planning application submitted as yet but developer has had discussions with planners about the site.)
RSA15 Land at Newbury Road, Lambourn: Approximately 5 dwellings (Planning application 20/00972/FULMAJ for 8 houses amended in December 2020. Permission granted September 2021. No work has been done on this site to date.)
The LNDP therefore needs to identify land for 25 homes.
The LNDP Steering Group issued a “Call for Sites”, asking site promoters (landowners/agents) to submit land for allocation.
Nine sites have been put forward click here to see the details.
Each site will be assessed to see if it meets planning and LNDP criteria. The identification of sites does not imply that the Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group considers that the site is suitable for development, either now or in the future.
Public consultation, to gather local opinion about each site, is essential, so the LNDP SG is asking for your input. What do you think about each site? Consider: Is the whole site appropriate? Would it be possible to develop part of the site? What type of housing could be built? Are there particular issues with the site? What sort of landscaping would be suitable? Are there any other sites you would suggest?
If sites are allocated, developers will still have to apply for planning permission before any houses are built.
Site promoters were invited to make presentations of their proposals. The video or PowerPoint presentations submitted are available on the website.
If you wish to make comments on the sites, please email your response to: lambourn.ndp@gmail.com
*The Local Plan Review Consultation, which took place between 20 January and 3 March 2023. The Local Plan for 2022 – 2039 is currently being reviewed by Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. A copy of the Submitted Plan can be found here: West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2022-2039 Proposed Submission [5MB]. Details of the Allocated Sites for Lambourn, RSA14 (Land adjoining Lynch Lane, Lambourn) and RSA15 (Land at Newbury Road, Lambourn) are on pp. 113 and 115 respectively
If you would like further updates on the progress of the Local Plan, click here: https://www.localplanservices.co.uk/westberkshirelpr